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Unlimited Studio Sessions & Access to 24/7 Wellbeing & Performance Platform

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You will be billed $65 on the same day of each week. All orders are through a very secure network. Your credit card information is never stored in any way. We respect your privacy.
Please notify admin via email if you wish to cancel your membership- there is a 30 day cancelation period. 
10 years ago I was apprehensive about attending my first mobility and core class. No way could I touch my toes or even consider myself flexible. I had my arm twisted by one of the trainers at AFA to go and I have not looked back. 

I have slashed over 2 minutes of my running time for 5 km since starting to improve my flexibility. 

It does not matter what level you are, from a complete beginner to someone who attends regularly. There are options and levels for every exercise.

If you are thinking about going but feel intimidated, suck it up and have a go. Take it from me, it's worth doing.

Nick Sewell

My first words to my trainer:
“I don’t know how long I will last”. 

* I had never been to a gym.
* Hadn’t exercised in years.
* I had no energy.
* Sleep a few hours every day.
* I rode an electric bike &
* I definitely wasn’t a swimmer.

In the 7 years I have been at AFA I have done more than I ever dreamed possible. I have competed in Triathlons, Half Ironman competitions, cycled 1500 kms, trained consistently and lost 3 dress sizes!

 AFA provided the community, support and structure to make all of this achievable.

Gemma Johnson

Before I started I was a full time working mum who hadn’t done any exercise for years! I was so nervous about the thought of walking into a gym. I didn’t feel like I belonged there. I suffer from anxiety and I greatly Iacked confidence.

Since joining AFA :
*My anxiety is improving.
* I am more energetic.
* I’ve found muscles I didn’t know existed and strength I didn’t know I had! 
*Hit 0- 20 push ups on toes in 8 weeks.
*Hit 0- 2kms swimming in 10 weeks.
*Just completed Half Ironman.

If you are thinking about starting all I can say is to DO IT!!!! The trainers at AFA are the most incredible people. They see something in you that you don’t see and are amazing at drawing that out. Everyone who attends AFA is so encouraging and inspiring. 

Kate Bender

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